Posts Tagged ‘relationship over’


8 Signs Your Relationship May be Over

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

Finding the right partner in life is hard in just the finding.  But once you become a couple sometimes the fire sputters or goes completely cold.   Here’s a few big clues to the end of your latest era.

1.    Cheat
Either you or your other is cheating and/or caught cheating.  If you both cared for each other cheating would never come into the equation.  True, some relationships can survive a cheat, but few do.

2.    Jealousy
Not exactly jealous of each other, but jealous of other couples’ relationships.  If you or your partner feels everyone else’s relationship is better than yours, it’s a sign that moving on is something you need to consider.  Why stick in a relationship where you feel less than special and loved?

3.    It’s Tiring
You used to love to spend time together, but now it’s just a burden to find time to do so.  If you don’t want to spend time with your “better half” there really is no reason to be in the relationship.

4.    The Future
Any sort of future planning that requires a serious commitment is too difficult to agree upon.  If this is the case there probably is no real long term future.  I’m not talking marriage either, it could just be planning a vacation together, or getting tickets to a how six months from now.  This could also mean you or your partner takes their stuff back to their place.

5.    The Fuzzies
Those warm fuzzy feelings are few and far between.  You used to get those goosebumps every time you saw, or even thought of your partner, now it’s just flat and maybe there’s a small overtone of resentment.  This is a a precursor to the detachment that many of us require when we are ready to cut the chord.

6.    The Friends
Relationships are works in progress, and often your partner’s friends are a big part of figuring out how things will progress. If you can’t stand their friends and make not true effort to work on that, then there isn’t really much of a chance of things lasting.

7.    The Sex
There was a time when it was exciting and fun, but now it’s nonexistent or just no fun.  If you can’t remember the last time you had sex, there’s a good chance your dry spell is about to get even longer.

8.    The Nag
Nothing you ever do is right.  Your partner finds fault in just about everything you do and never finds the time to acknowledge when you do right.  You nag too much, you don’t clean well enough, you’re in their business too much, you don’t text enough and so on.  While you continue to try to make it right it’s already over in your soon to be former partner’s mind.