1. Ground Rules.
First, make sure this is really what you want? And also place some ground rules that your friendship still continues even if the romance did not sparkle or can you do without having a good friend around? If this is clear as mud, bring up this topic in a off-the-cuff discussion and see what your friend says?
2. Coffee.
There is so much you can discuss over a simple coffee. Depending on your friendship, go out for coffee and see how it goes. If there is sparkle, you will know.
3. Dress Up.
If you are casual friends, you may not have seen each other dressed up. So dress up to impress and see what reaction you get.
4. Make Over.
If you have been thinking about getting a makeover, take your friend along for suggestions. In a funny way, see what transpires and what vibes you get. Does the friend suggest ‘funny looks’ or ‘looks to impress’ and that will tell the story.
5. Clothes Shopping.
Okay this is a no-brainer. You go shopping for clothes, obviously you have decent chemistry. See what each other suggests for the other person and see what chemistry develops. While at it, go after some accessories too and get an opinion on that as well. However, stay away from lingerie just yet:)
6. Straight Up
Just ask the other person out. Tell them you value your friendship but have developed some romantic feelings and would like to go out on a date – let the date be casual but give it an official name of a date. If you do not want to lose their friendship regardless of how the romance goes, be clear about it so you dont lose a good friend.
7. Be Different
If you are only ‘coffee’ friends or friends who go watch the latest movie together or bar friends, change the routine. Be different. Pick a different activity and see if the other person enjoys as much spending time with you.
8. Be in the Know.
Short of being an aggressive intruder, see what your friend is upto. What they like to do when you are not around, who they hang out with. It will give you an idea about their life and see if you can figure something out in common.
9. Get involved socially
Pick a social activity to do together. Like volunteering, or neighborhood cleanup, or something community oriented. See if there is mutual interest and/or sparkle.
10. Laugh it out Loud
Tell a funny story related to this topic and see how they react. Like what do you think about having two friends getting romantically involved? Have a discussion about it and see what happens.