Posts Tagged ‘personal’


10 Dont’s in Online Dating: How NOT to meet someone online

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

When joining an online dating site, you want to give people some information about yourself that will help them decide if you are a potential match.  However there are a lot of dont’s in dating in general, but here are the top 10 dont’s in online dating.

1. Don’t give your life story via e-mail

There is no more of a turn off when a person can’t stop talking about themselves. Talking to much can be seen as being needy, so keep the messages reasonably short and never ramble.

2. Don’t start the sex talk

Another big turn off is when someone starts talking about intimacy before the relationship has gotten there.  All in good time.  Unless you are on an adult dating site looking for the same thing, then keep the bedroom talk to yourself until you are both ready.

3. Don’t lie

It is so easy to make stuff up when you are online, but if you want an actual date and a possible relationship, a lie will be a huge wall in the future.  If you don’t feel like your income is high enough or something like that, just upsell something else about yourself.  Be truthful and honest, and if they are only after your money, it’s probably not a good fit anyways.

4. Don’t over IM or text

I’m not saying you shouldn’t use the technology available in today’s society.  You should, but not overly so.  This is like being up in someone’s face all of the time.  Texting, emailing or IMing constantly can turn out to be a real nuisance.  It’s a tough balance, but you should be able to tell if a conversation via one of these media is going well enough to send more messages.

5. Don’t spread yourself to thin

While on an online dating site, it is very possible to date more than one person at a time.  But if you are courting too many people, it can become confusing or you could easily make mistakes in your conversations.

6. Don’t be too eager for a face to face

This is along the same thoughts of a couple of the previous dont’s.  If you ask for a meetup too early you may never hear from you interest again.  The general rule is to wait a week after your first contact with your love interest before asking about the big face to face meeting.

7. Don’t give your personal info up

I feel like I shouldn’t even have to list this one, but there is so much fraud out there you really need to protect yourself from cons and the like.  You will know when it’s time to share the more personal information, but never put financial or login info out there for anyone to find or steal.

8. Don’t go out with someone simply for “practice.”

Only go out with people you think you could be attracted to; physically and intellectually. Dating someone you aren’t into for practice is like cooking a recipe you know you hate. You’ll dirty your dishes, but you won’t have anything to eat.

9. Don’t take it personally

Online rejection can happen.  If it does, move on to the next one, and find love there.  Staying hung up on a rejection can and will affect your ability to meet new prospective love interests.

10. Don’t have clichés in your profile

Everyone likes music and beaches.  Be original and people that have similar interests will find you, and vice versa.


Hopefully this list will help you find someone like yourself when you join an online dating site?  What are some other “Dont’s” that we missed?